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Glitter and be Gala

An operatic fundraising event

Join us on March 2, 2024, at Z&M Twisted Vines Vineyard for Lawrence Opera Theatre’s Glitter and be Gala, a night of enchantment featuring sumptuous dining, complimentary drinks, and an exclusive silent auction, all in support of the arts.

A “LOT” of Alums Come Home, Tunes and Brews

A Concert with 23rd Street Brewery

Join us at 23rd Street Brewery on August 3, 2024, for “A ‘LOT’ of Alums Come Home, Tunes and Brews,” where former Lawrence Opera Theatre performers reunite for an evening of music and drinks. Enjoy free admission as you reminisce with old friends and celebrate the talents of our alumni.

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The Path to Heaven

A regional premiere of the opera by Adam Gorb and Ben Kaye

Join us for “The Path to Heaven” at Lawrence Jewish Community Congregation on August 11, 2024, for a riveting exploration of resilience and sacrifice during Nazi Germany. This unforgettable performance delves into love, loss, and the indomitable human spirit.

Angels & Demons, an Evening of Opera Scenes and Arias

Featuring Gilbert & Sullivan’s “Trial by Jury”

Experience “Angels and Demons” featuring the comedic gem “Trial by Jury” at Theatre Lawrence on August 15, 2024. Delight in a captivating evening of opera scenes and arias, highlighted by the witty satire and charming music of Gilbert and Sullivan’s courtroom drama.


Heroes & Villains, A Musical Theatre Cabaret

Featuring Gilbert & Sullivan’s “Trial by Jury”

Don’t miss “Heroes and Villains” featuring the comedic brilliance of “Trial by Jury” at Theatre Lawrence on August 17, 2024. Indulge in a captivating evening of musical theatre cabaret, where the duality of good and evil takes center stage alongside the witty satire and charming music of Gilbert and Sullivan’s courtroom drama.

Don Giovanni

By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Experience the timeless allure of Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” at Theatre Lawrence on August 16 and 18, 2024. Immerse yourself in the captivating drama of this renowned opera as the infamous seducer navigates through a world of love, lust, and revenge, promising an unforgettable evening of operatic brilliance.
